The Battle of Endor is supposed to represent Vietnam, and the Ewoks are supposed to be the Vietnaimese.
Great, just great.
The Ewoks employ booby traps, and jungle guerilla warfare to overcome the stormtroopers.
The movie showed one Ewok dead, maybe more.
That is the problem when you have a war movie made for kids. It does not show all the ugly stuff, which would make it more realistic.
Of course, a movie can't show everything, especially if the film makers want to make money. You don't want a bunch of kids crying like what happened with Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom when they showed 'human eyeball soup'....haha.
Now that many years have passed since 'Return of The Jedi', I think Ewoks can be shown like how they are supposed to be.
I'll have to do a comic book page or two to show what I am talking about.
One dinky little battle, the second Death Star is destroyed, everyone is happy. If only Vietnam ended so happily and easily.
I need more war in 'Star Wars'....otherwise, the whole thing is ridiculous.
You know what happens in real wars? Soldiers do drugs and they look for prostitutes, because they don't know if they will live another day. That is what war is.
They also set villages on fire if they can't tell who the enemy is.
One has to ask, "Does The Empire at times use chemical warfare?" The United States did it in Vietnam, so I don't see why The Empire wouldn't use some version of napalm.
Would the Rebellion or The Alliance use chemical warfare? They are supposed to be the good guys. But would they use chemicals against the enemy? They might, what do they care?