Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

    Well, how long ago?  100 years?  1000 years?

     All galaxies are so far away from us, that we can't get to them.  Hell, we've only sent one thing out of our solar system.

     So, it is a far away galaxy.  Okay.  Got it.

     One has to consider the age of The Universe.  Last time I checked, it is over 13 billion years old.

     So, our Earth is 4 and a half billion years old, or 5, and in that time, we relatively just made it to The Moon.

     We are no where near achieving hyperspace, unless it is in a video game.

     So, considering the age of The Universe, is that enough time for a Galactic Empire to form controlling a million planets with life forms on it?   Hmmmm, that's a thinker.  It could happen, I guess.

     So, let's consider that all the events of Star Wars have already happened in a galaxy far, far away, and then somehow the information traveled to our Earth somehow, and got into George Lucas' head.

     Hmmm, it is either that, or Star Wars is happening now in an Alternate Universe.

     There are no sound effects in space, though, that is just there for dramatic effect.

     Also, ships have to have thrusters on the side if they want to be making sharper turns.

     If the physics of Star Wars aren't possible, like a worm living inside an asteroid in the vacuum of space, then Star Wars just becomes a fantasy, and not real at all.

     Many things in Star Wars have happened in Earth's history.  Let's face it, The Empire is 'Nazis in Space' basically.
     They are absolute, and tyrannical.

     Could Sith exist?  Sure why not?  There is always a balance of good and evil no matter what.

     Anyway, I've been thinking that 'A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away' is just a story-telling technique, and that everything in Star Wars is in an actual alternative universe, where the laws of physics could be slightly different than our own.

     Every science fiction depicts the day and age in which it was made.  Star Wars is no exception.

     Meanwhile, I'm starting to figure out that with a million worlds and billions of living things and creatures in the Star Wars universe, that there are many more stories to tell.
     There are still millions of species in The Star Wars Universe that have never been shown before.

     In just thinking about the numbers, The Rebellion in Episodes IV, V, and VI was really small.  They hardly had anybody.
     A large high school has more people in it than what The Rebellion had.  How could they ever stand up to The Empire?  I don't know.
     Seems like a lost cause.

     And how could so many jedi be tricked into being slaughtered in a coliseum in Episode II?  Again, another mystery.  I thought jedi used the force.

     There are many loopholes in Star Wars, so my job is to help point them out, haha.

     It also seems that a regular bullet from a gun can pierce stormtrooper armor easier than a laser.  Hmmm, maybe each stormtrooper has a magnetic invisible shield around them, who knows?

     Also, The Empire itself would have to be tremendous if they finally got to the point where they even needed a Death Star in order to keep control.

     Another question is..."Can The Death Star travel through hyperspace?"  It would have to, otherwise it would take millions of years to travel across the galaxy in order to exert its power and create fear.

     Yet another question is that military men have to get laid once in a while, or else they go crazy.  Where do Stormtroopers go for Rest and Relaxation?  This is never mentioned, so I thought I would bring it up.
     There are female stormtroopers, that much is known, but not enough to go around.

     Maybe there are 'pleasure worlds' that people go to.  Maybe there are 'pleasure androids'...who knows?
     I think these things would be mentioned if 'Star Wars' was more for adults.

     'Right Now in a Galaxy Right Here' describes what is actually happening.


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