Thursday, May 22, 2014

     In reading about The Galactic Empire yesterday on Wookieepedia, it said The Empire employed Wookiees to help build The Death Star, preferring organic forms for building instead of droids.
     This is why Wookiees have no love for The Empire, as they were enslaved by them.
     Meanwhile, someone jokingly said on youtube that the destruction of Death Star 1 was an 'inside job'.
     So, I put two and two together, and with Wookies rigging a chain reaction device through the exhaust port that Luke shoots photon torpedoes into, thus we have a more reasonable explanation of how the first Death Star blew up.
     As Empire slave-masters would not be likely to learn the subtleties of the Wookiee language, the Wookiees could therefore secretly construct a way for the Death Star to be blown up.
     The article also mentioned that Wookiees were a 'force-sensitive' species.  To back this up, in 'Clone Wars' a a young Wookiee began training to be a jedi.
     So there you have it.

     I also learned that George Lucas kind of based The Emperor off of Richard Nixon, but that is a different story for another day.

     Also, one more thing,...if you ever thought the Ewok battle of Endor was similar or suggested The Vietnam War, you were right.  George Lucas admitted that, too, in addition to using some Russian army pictures as reference in Return of The Jedi when The Emperor arrives.

     So, Star Wars exists kind of in a mirror universe of our own, as opposed to a galaxy far, far away.  That line is a lie.  Just a method of storytelling.  Because how in hell could it be in a galaxy far awy, when the events in Star Wars mirrors our own?  See?  Geez.

     Okay, get me outta here, I'm done.

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