Saturday, June 28, 2014

     It was the night after the second Death Star had been destroyed.
     Luke Skywalker had fallen into a deep sleep, after the long celebration, that had lasted long into the night.
     He started dreaming...
     "Leia, I have the hots for you, let's make out.  Remember when you kissed me on the first Death Star?  Remember all the times we had close moments, but Han was always in the way?  Now we're alone, baby."

     Suddenly, a voice came into his head, "Luke, this is Leia...I have the force, too, and I know you were dreaming about us.  Just stop it.  It's really creepy.  Dream of something else."

     Luke opened up his eyes, in the darkness of his room.
     "Damn," he thought to himself.  "I need to get me a girlfriend.  This jedi thing of not having a girlfriend sucks.  What am I supposed to do?"

     So, Luke fell asleep, and thought of other things.  This time, he did not dream.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

     Star Wars is fiction, just so you know.  This little fact may come as a surprise to many people.
     It is true, though.
     The Star Wars Galaxy is all made up.

     Hyperspace can be used to travel within the galaxy, but not outside it.  There is no reason for this.
     Supposedly, there are beacons located within hyperspace, which provide co-ordinates so ships can safely travel.  Sometimes, there are accidents.  A ship can fly into a planet, hit another ship, or fly right into a star.

     The Empire wants order in the galaxy.  There are two groups on the planet Earth who want order.  Nazis, and Mormons.  Both of these groups like order a lot.
     The Empire does not like non-humans much.  The Rebellion is more accepting of non-human types.

     Star Wars does pretty well with white people, but not with others.  Many foreigners are converted into aliens.  Green-skinned tradesmen have Chinese accents and red robes.  Jar Jar is kind of an island nation kind of being.  Watto is Middle Eastern.  The aliens who make the clones live on a water world, and behave like Japanese people.

     Blacks are represented mostly by Lando Calrissian, the pimp, and Mace Windu, the behaved one.

     Latinos and Hispanics aren't really represented at all, except the little guy who flew with Lando in The Millenium Falcon in 'Return of The Jedi'.

     The basic language of the galaxy is English.

     'The Battle of Endor' is supposed to mirror Vietnam.

     George Lucas said that he based Emperor Palpatine loosely on Richard Nixon.

     From one point of view, Star Wars is 'The Wizard of Oz In Space'.

     Swear words are avoided at all costs, as is blood.  Sex, or sex talk is also avoided.

     Star Wars makes war look like fun, and that is not true.

     There is indeed underwear in space, despite Lucas not wanting Leia to wear any.  He wanted her to go bra-less.

     The Empire is actually the legal government.  So, from their point of view, the rebels are war mongerers.  The rebels have a good reason, though, for The Empire is corrupt.

     The Sith needs The Empire, which doesn't realize that they are a tool for The Sith.

     Tattooine is kind of a white trash planet, and I don't know why they can't get more water there.  You would think they would try and plant some trees, which would provide shade.  Trees require a lot of water, I guess.
     If there is hardly any water, do people on Tattooine bathe much?  Doesn't look like it.

     Slavery exists all over the galaxy.  The rebels don't seem to do anything about it.

     When the second Death Star was destroyed, The Empire still had control of over a thousand worlds, if not more.  It took twenty years for the Alliance and The Empire to come to a truce.

     In a Star Wars book, prostitutes were referred to as 'Glitter Girls'.  Star Wars does not do too well with this subject.

     Aliens are often presented as stupid, or like they are from Sesame Street.

     There are a trillion sentient beings in The Star Wars Galaxy, and millions of habitable worlds.

     Civilization began in The Core Worlds, and spread out.

     The Force helped to discover Hyperspace.  I read that.

     Han Solo talks American.

     People in The Empire speak British, as does Princess Leia when dealing with them...sometimes.  Depends, I guess.

     Twi'leks are an enslaved people.  I will have to read up on that to figure out why.

     Ryloth is a poor planet, in terms of The Galactic Economy is why, I learned.  The Hutts enslaved them to work in their own mines. 
     All the information is on Wookieepedia.

     There is prostitution in The Star Wars Galaxy, and apparently a lot of it, on many worlds.  The subject is broached upon, but not into depth much.
     So, basically, if you have enough galactic credits, you can get laid.
     They have a small stub of an article on this subject on Wookieepedia.

     Well, there are my Star Wars thoughts for the day.    


Thursday, June 19, 2014

     So, I was ten years old, and I saw a commercial for 'Star Wars' at around 2:30 in the afternoon.
     My jaw dropped, watching a droid get sucked up into a jawa land transport.
     I was really excited.  I wanted to see this  movie.
     Then my brothers saw the commercial, and we all wanted to see this movie. 
     We got to see it, with my father talking to management to get us into a crowded theater.
     We saw it, and it was great.
     A week or two went by, and we saw it again.  And again.
     After three or four times, that was enough.
     Eventually, the version with new titles proclaiming it to be 'Episode IV' came out.  We had to see it again, because, then we could think about how there were going to be nine movies, as we read in the movie magazines.
     'Empire' came out, and we watched that again and again.  I did not know if Darth Vader was bullsh***ing Luke.  An evil person would lie.  Then, I was really uncomfortable with the ending.
     'Return' came out, and I was excited to see it based on the commercials.  It looked awesome, and better than anything I had ever seen.
     Then halfway through the movie, I began to be disappointed somehow, what with teddy bears.  It just wasn't as good as 'Empire'.
     So, after several viewings of 'Return'...I was done with Star Wars, considering that I had outgrown it.
     I got into Dungeons & Dragons.  Star Wars came out with their version, and I would have bought the book if I had the money.
     Then it was the ten year anniversary of Episode IV, and I didn't care all that much.  I would rather have had another movie.  I did not know what they were waiting for.  Lucas had the whole world hanging, instead providing us with f***ing 'Howard The Duck' and f***ing 'Willow'.
     Dark Horse was making Star Wars comic books.  I had collected the Marvel comics of Star Wars, but they were pretty bad.  By then, I was kind of done with comic books, too.
     Then there were the limited edition releases of Star Wars in the theaters with some new digital stuff added, which were cool to see, but they really didn't expand my idea of The Star Wars Universe much.  I wanted to learne, but there was not much content out there.
     And Episode I came out, and the excitement level was very high, and within five minutes, people deflated like a balloon losing air.  You could feel this in the theater.  We all knew that the whole rest of the movie was going to be pretty bad. 
     'The Matrix' was a much cooler movie.
     Episode II came out, and hopes were higher, and it was a better movie.
     Episode III was pretty dark, and pretty much a joyless affair.

     Now I listen to Star Wars audiobooks on youtube, and I am pretty happy.

     I can't depend on Lucas to make a good Star Wars movie.  Somebody else has to do it.

     * * * * *

     Some black guy said, "IT'S STAR WARS BIG!"

     I love the phrase, because no matter what stupid hit song comes out or movie, it is not going to be as big as Star Wars.

     What other franchise is there where the original actors can come back to reprise their roles thirty-two years later?
     Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford will be in Episode VII.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

     So, why would anyone join The Empire?  Steady work, employment, and a paycheck.  Plus, you get to work for the winning side.  Opportunities for advancement.  Cool uniforms.  Make your family proud.
     I suppose it is why someone would join the U.S. military, especially if you come from a poverty-ridden family.
     Plus, the appeal of kinky sex with female Imp agents would be attractive.
     Scheduled vacations and shore leaves would also be appealing.
     Visiting other planets, and seeing the galaxy would be interesting for those with no opportunity to do so otherwise.
     Plus, The Empire was the official government of the galaxy. 

     If you saw life in terms of Black and White, yes or no...The Empire would indeed be the obvious choice.  If you saw things in terms of right and wrong, well, The Empire had to be right.  The best always come out on top, right?

     Yet, among many in the galaxy, The Empire was hated and feared.

     Most people in the galaxy were aware of an Imperial presence.  There were always Imp posters and propaganda everywhere.  To remove them was illegal.

     To deface Imp posters was even worse.  Taggers were seldom caught, though.  Younglings would often draw mustaches on pictures of stormies or officers.
     It was a rite of passage among the young to deface at least one imp poster.
     The penalty for doing it while you were young was not as bad as when you were an adult.  Then it was serious.

     How long ago is 'A long time ago...?'

     'Far, far away....' is a given.

     For me, a long time ago would be 100 B.C., or 10,000 B.C.

     So, when did the events in Episodes 1-6 happen in correlation to us?  Or is it all false, and it is all actually in the future? 

     So, humans that look just like us developed in another galaxy?  Or do we migrate to another galaxy?


Saturday, June 14, 2014

     I've been confused by the year system in Star Wars.
     I finally got it. 
     'BBY' refers to 'Before Battle of Yavin'.
     'ABY' refers to 'After Battle of Yavin'.

     This makes the destruction of the first Death Star the prime event in The Star Wars Universe.
     In our Earth time, it is 'The Birth of Christ', which is also possibly fictional.

     Anyway, this before and after way of keeping time is confusing.
     I think the Chinese have their calender well into the 5000's.

     Then, the events of 'The Old Republic' take place 3000 years before BBY 0.  Or is it 30,000 years?  I get confused.

     So, is BBY 0 the year 1977 in our years?  Star Wars was supposed to happen a long time ago.  So how long ago?  I haven't found this out yet.  It seems important.
     Also, where is this Star Wars galaxy located? 

     We know Gilligan's Island is supposed to be somewhere in The South Pacific Ocean.  So I see no reason why a group of astronomers, or even Lucas himself,  can't pick a galaxy where the events of Star Wars takes place.
     We'll never be able to get there in ten generations anyhow, so what does it matter?

     Also, who discovered hyperspace?  Who was the first jedi?  Who got into space first? 
     Here is my character Goth'girl from 'The Old Republic'.  She is a level 13 Sith Warrior right now.  I like her.  She is a fun gal.
     She has a nice rack, too, but maybe she's wearing a padded bra, even though George Lucas said, "There are no bras in space".
     That was all a ploy to get Carrie Fisher not to wear a bra in Episode IV.
     It worked out.  Star Wars made a lot of money probably because in part there was a running, bouncing princess all in white.
     I know all this made my father appreciate Star Wars more when we first saw it.

     Anyway, I'm listening to 'The Thrall Trilogy' audiobooks on youtube.  They are pretty good.  There is a voice actor who sounds like Ricardo Montalban.
     One would think that they would find a female to do the voices of Leia and Mon Mothma, so that they don't sound like transvestites.

     So Han and Leia ended up having sex to produce their children.  Someone needs to make some porn of that.
     Watching Han Solo and Leia do it would be pretty funny.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

     Part man, part machine, Darth Vader continues to intrigue us.  Meanwhile, I'm not too interested in Annakin at all.  I don't really like him much as a character.  He doesn't seem to have too much of a sense of humor.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

     Slavery seems more than quite acceptable in The Star Wars Universe.  No one is surprised or alarmed at this.
     Even Quai-Gonn claimed ownership of Jar Jar for a life debt.
     Sure, it is all for fun, and it is all made-up, but the connection to us here on The Planet Earth is that human trafficking still continues.
     I am disturbed by this, as I am sure others are.
     What anybody can do about it is questionable.  Not even governments seem able to snuff this problem.
     It looks like human slavery on Earth will not end anytime soon, unfortunately.
     In Star Wars, though, slavery is just a part of life, like breathing air.
     The thing that Star Wars never addresses is what actually happens with female slaves.  Certainly they function as consorts, and provide warmth on a cold night.  Not complying would mean death, I would assume.
     Annakin was a slave, but he didn't seem to have it that tough, even though he was bitter about it for the rest of his life.

     While I'm thinking about it, "Who was Annakin's father?"  I'm confused about it.  Who impregnated Schmee is what I want to know.  Was it a virgin birth?  That is ridiculous.  Sperm has to hit an egg at some point.

     I'm also curious what happened with Leia while she was a slave.  Did Jabba have that little stupid laughing Kaworkian monkey molest her?  Who knows.  It is all conjecture.
     So, the whole point of Jar Jar Binks is he was the one who accidentally discovered Annakin, The Chosen One.
     Quai-gon, one of my favorite jedi claimed a life debt on Jar Jar.

     Another thought is, "When did Luke Skywalker lose his virginity?"  He may have lost it on Tattooine, but he always seemed to young and eager, and not like the kind of person who had laid down some pipe.  Plus, he was always farming, or dusting crops, shooting womp rats for fun.
     Yeah, Luke wasn't thinking about pussy, or getting laid much.

     One other thing is that dang space worm that the Millenium Falcon lands inside while escaping TIE Fighters.
     How did the worm survive in the vacuum of space?  Also, what did the worm eat?  The asteroid?  What happens when the worm eats most of the asteroid?  Does the worm have to jump onto another asteroid?
     It's basically the Star Wars version of 'Jonah and The Whale', from The Bible.

     Another thing is this whole Annakin/Darth Vader thing as the chosen one.  It kind of gets tiring, especially when Paul Atreides was the chosen one in 'Dune'.
     Is nothing original in Star Wars?  I don't know.  Lightsabers are original, but the jedi knights seem to come from The Knights Templar, who used to be employed by The Catholic Church.

     I've come to the conclusion that all historical and literary events in Star Wars can be synthesized into The Star Wars Universe.

     Meanwhile, I'm starting to investigate selling items online.  It is a thing I should have and could have done long ago.  I wasn't ready for it, though, nor very much inclined.  I would try and get interested in ebay in the past, but I would always get burned out on it really fast.  Plus, I know nothing about taxes, or running a business.  I normally just do 'under the table' art sales, and that works out fine with me.

     Anyhow, I'm listening to 'The Phantom Menace' audiobook.  The movie presented such a confused story that I found it hard to follow all the seemingly useless details about Separitists and The Trade Federation, and all that garbage.

     Meanwhile, some guy tipped me five bucks at the cafe for my art.  That was cool.

     Final Thoughts For Right Now:  The first time I got burnt out on Star Wars was halfway through 'Return of The Jedi' with all the Ewoks and the accumulation of all this Sesame Street stuff.  No one seemed in danger anymore.  They were going to destroy the second Death Star, no big deal.  Star Wars had turned into a kiddie fest.
     To cut to the chase, it would be good if Quentin Tarentino could make a Star Wars film, and just turn things upside down, and just make a film more for adults.  F*** the kids, make an R rated Star Wars film.

     Oh yeah, I bothers me that Annakin built C-3PO.  That just seems like a lame way to introduce Threepio into the story.  I don't like it.  I just want to rewrite it.

     One final last thing...some kid on The Old Republic game said, "This game would suck if not for the sith!"
     People are never happy.  If you give them $100, they want $105.
     SWTOR is 'free to play', and people want something for nothing, and then they complain.
     Let's see them do something besides playing online games all day, with their only accomplishment in life being a level 100 character.  Geez.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

     'Star Wars: The Rise of Darth Vader' audiobook in five parts on really good, and worth listening to.
     It is so good, I am going to listen to it again.
     It has what everybody wants, but were not shown in the movies....Darth Vader kicking ass on the battlefield with Stormies at his side.
     There is some of that in the video game 'Star Wars Battlefronts II', but to have the audiobook and the story available is awesome.
     I don't know how the author could write such a thing...I guess it was a lot of research about what the possibilities could be.
     There is an attack on the Wookiee home world of Kysshhyk, and Chewbacca is a featured character.
     Chewy has no love for the Empire, I will tell you that.
     Anyway, there's that, and while all this is going on, I am playing 'Star Wars: The Old Republic' which continues to blow my mind.
     I have a brother who tried it, but for some reason he wasn't as thrilled about it.  I'll have to ask him why.  Maybe he didn't give the game enough of a chance, or maybe he was busy.
     I like to camp a spot while I write, and I just stand there until my character gets attacked, and then I kill my enemy, and keep writing.

     Meanwhile, I started watching ebay videos.  I have no experience with ebay whatsoever.  I know nothing about it.
     The idea of doing ebay has been gnawing at me for a long time.  I would like to sell my paintings, possibly for outrageous prices.  That would be fun.
     I shudder about doing taxes, but I think you have sell two-hundred items before you have to worry about it too much.
     In Star Wars terms, which is all anybody cares about, well, in online games, you can sell items...and ebay is the real world equivalent of that, if you need to make everything into a fantasy, like I do, just to make it through the day.
     The thing I am worried about is I don't want some bastard to buy my art for cheap, and then turn a profit on ebay.  If anybody is going to sell my art on ebay, I want it to be me.
     I heard that this happened to an artist, so I want to be ready for that.

     Then there is the other thing, "Do I really want to spend all day shipping crap out to people just so I can make a couple bucks?"  It hardly seems worth it, unless there is a good chunk of profit involved.
     Anyway, again in Star Wars terms, I'm trying to get some mercenary xp.

     Another question that I've been thinking about in last day is, "What is more plausible?  Star Trek or Star Wars?"
     I don't know...there are ridiculous things that happen in each that make it virtually impossible to ever happen.

     Just as an aside, people in online games always ask me, "Dude!  Why do you level up so slow?"
     I don't know why it matters to them, to be honest, what I do, but the answer is that I am reading, drawing, and writing while playing, so I'm not going to level as fast as these hardcore players who devote every waking moment to these games.

     Even in the film 'Alien', the biggest problem with space science fiction is, "How in hell do you get ships to travel such vast distances and what about time dilation?  You don't want to be traveling for a year at the speed of light, and then come home, and have your family be dead for two-hundred years while you were away."
     It's a problem.

     That means that hyperspace is not just accelerated spacetime.  It has to be another dimension, where the physics of time and space are different.
     If outer space is a city, hyperspace would have to be a 'subway system'.

     Also, how can you answer a distress call if it takes you twenty years to get there?

Friday, June 6, 2014

     Twenty years ago, no one had discovered what is now called an exo-planet, which is a planet outside of our solar system.
     Meanwhile, I learned yesterday that they did indeed discover frozen water on the moon located in its' deepest craters.
     What this means with the water is that the moon can be a refueling base someday.  Fantastic, huh?

     In addition, they are estimating that there are a million exo-planets in our galaxy alone, and now they are saying that most stars in the sky have planets around them.
     So, let's say that out of a million planets, only a thousand have conditions for life, only a hundred of those have life, and only ten of those have civilizations.

     That's all we need to get The Star Wars Universe going.

     The problem after that is hyperspace travel. 

     In other words, how do we travel from planet to planet?

     As Luke Skywalker would say, "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!"

     Another thing is, "Why do we need to go to other planets?"

     Until we figure out how to clear up traffic jams, freeways, feed and clothe people, and get everybody on the planet Earth some housing, we don't need to concern ourselves too much to traveling to other star systems.

     We must improve things here on Earth because it is going to be a long time before we achieve light speed, and even that is way to slow to get anywhere in this Universe.

     We need stargates, or somekind of interdimensional transport system....or the ability to 'jump' like in Battlestar Galactica.  Otherwise, forget it.

     The next hundred years on Earth should focus on improving conditions, then we can worry about space travel.

     By that time, there will be people living on Mars most likely.

     The Earth, though, is all we've got, so we've got to take care of it.

     Watch out, for The Earth really doesn't need us.  To the Earth, we are like fleas on a dog.

     Humans think they are really important, and I'm starting to think that we are not as important as we think we are.

     Women send text messages that they just had their fingernails done, and men look at porn.
     Wow, just great, great.

     One other thing about Star Wars that I would like to mention is that there is always war somewhere, just like here on Earth.
     It's always good to know, too, that a good stripper can make a decent living in the Star Wars Universe.