Tuesday, June 24, 2014

     Star Wars is fiction, just so you know.  This little fact may come as a surprise to many people.
     It is true, though.
     The Star Wars Galaxy is all made up.

     Hyperspace can be used to travel within the galaxy, but not outside it.  There is no reason for this.
     Supposedly, there are beacons located within hyperspace, which provide co-ordinates so ships can safely travel.  Sometimes, there are accidents.  A ship can fly into a planet, hit another ship, or fly right into a star.

     The Empire wants order in the galaxy.  There are two groups on the planet Earth who want order.  Nazis, and Mormons.  Both of these groups like order a lot.
     The Empire does not like non-humans much.  The Rebellion is more accepting of non-human types.

     Star Wars does pretty well with white people, but not with others.  Many foreigners are converted into aliens.  Green-skinned tradesmen have Chinese accents and red robes.  Jar Jar is kind of an island nation kind of being.  Watto is Middle Eastern.  The aliens who make the clones live on a water world, and behave like Japanese people.

     Blacks are represented mostly by Lando Calrissian, the pimp, and Mace Windu, the behaved one.

     Latinos and Hispanics aren't really represented at all, except the little guy who flew with Lando in The Millenium Falcon in 'Return of The Jedi'.

     The basic language of the galaxy is English.

     'The Battle of Endor' is supposed to mirror Vietnam.

     George Lucas said that he based Emperor Palpatine loosely on Richard Nixon.

     From one point of view, Star Wars is 'The Wizard of Oz In Space'.

     Swear words are avoided at all costs, as is blood.  Sex, or sex talk is also avoided.

     Star Wars makes war look like fun, and that is not true.

     There is indeed underwear in space, despite Lucas not wanting Leia to wear any.  He wanted her to go bra-less.

     The Empire is actually the legal government.  So, from their point of view, the rebels are war mongerers.  The rebels have a good reason, though, for The Empire is corrupt.

     The Sith needs The Empire, which doesn't realize that they are a tool for The Sith.

     Tattooine is kind of a white trash planet, and I don't know why they can't get more water there.  You would think they would try and plant some trees, which would provide shade.  Trees require a lot of water, I guess.
     If there is hardly any water, do people on Tattooine bathe much?  Doesn't look like it.

     Slavery exists all over the galaxy.  The rebels don't seem to do anything about it.

     When the second Death Star was destroyed, The Empire still had control of over a thousand worlds, if not more.  It took twenty years for the Alliance and The Empire to come to a truce.

     In a Star Wars book, prostitutes were referred to as 'Glitter Girls'.  Star Wars does not do too well with this subject.

     Aliens are often presented as stupid, or like they are from Sesame Street.

     There are a trillion sentient beings in The Star Wars Galaxy, and millions of habitable worlds.

     Civilization began in The Core Worlds, and spread out.

     The Force helped to discover Hyperspace.  I read that.

     Han Solo talks American.

     People in The Empire speak British, as does Princess Leia when dealing with them...sometimes.  Depends, I guess.

     Twi'leks are an enslaved people.  I will have to read up on that to figure out why.

     Ryloth is a poor planet, in terms of The Galactic Economy is why, I learned.  The Hutts enslaved them to work in their own mines. 
     All the information is on Wookieepedia.

     There is prostitution in The Star Wars Galaxy, and apparently a lot of it, on many worlds.  The subject is broached upon, but not into depth much.
     So, basically, if you have enough galactic credits, you can get laid.
     They have a small stub of an article on this subject on Wookieepedia.

     Well, there are my Star Wars thoughts for the day.    


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