I've been confused by the year system in Star Wars.
I finally got it.
'BBY' refers to 'Before Battle of Yavin'.
'ABY' refers to 'After Battle of Yavin'.
This makes the destruction of the first Death Star the prime event in The Star Wars Universe.
In our Earth time, it is 'The Birth of Christ', which is also possibly fictional.
Anyway, this before and after way of keeping time is confusing.
I think the Chinese have their calender well into the 5000's.
Then, the events of 'The Old Republic' take place 3000 years before BBY 0. Or is it 30,000 years? I get confused.
So, is BBY 0 the year 1977 in our years? Star Wars was supposed to happen a long time ago. So how long ago? I haven't found this out yet. It seems important.
Also, where is this Star Wars galaxy located?
We know Gilligan's Island is supposed to be somewhere in The South Pacific Ocean. So I see no reason why a group of astronomers, or even Lucas himself, can't pick a galaxy where the events of Star Wars takes place.
We'll never be able to get there in ten generations anyhow, so what does it matter?
Also, who discovered hyperspace? Who was the first jedi? Who got into space first?
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